Becoming a member of recognised organisations and being accredited has numerous benefits for UK fleets, which is why so many fleet companies proudly display organisation logos on their websites. Before we get started with our complete list of memberships and accreditations for UK fleets then, here’s a brief run-down of the general benefits to getting accredited:
- Increased networking opportunities
- Increased reputation through acceptance
- Additional education and training possibilities
- Additional infrastructure for benchmarks and management
- Show customers a willingness to operate efficiently
- Show internal stakeholders a desire to achieve excellence
Of course above all else, becoming a member of recognised organisations and being accredited asserts a market-leader position, ideal for start-ups, smaller fleets, and scaling.
Here’s our complete list of memberships and accreditations for UK fleets.
What is it and who is it for?
ACFO is for all fleet operators, big and small. It’s a representative organisation for fleet decision-makers in charge of cars and light commercial vehicles. Membership to ACFO is for fleets which are seeking expert advice, resources, and expertise on addressing fleet management.
Why join – what are the benefits?
ACFO membership has lots of benefits; full access to expert resources, advice on Duty of Care, lowering CO2 emissions, and alternative funding, opportunities to see and study the working methods of other fleets, and networking opportunities at regional meetings.
What are the requirements?
There are three membership types – Member (£233), Affiliate Member (£196), Retired Personal Member (£29). The first is available to all organisations in any sector, while the second is only available as an extension to the first. The last type is for people who were previously involved in fleet management but have retired from full-time employment.
How do you apply?
You can register online or you can call 01865 342 102.

What is it and who is it for?
The Institute of Car Fleet Management (ICFM) is for fleets of cars. It’s for fleets which are looking to benefit from further education and show current and prospective customers that the fleet is trained and educated to perform effectively.
Why join – what are the benefits?
Membership benefits include an invaluable network of contacts, opportunities for personal developments, professional recognition through certification, education and training programmes, interactive fleet guides, plus much more.
What are the requirements?
There’s an initial application for membership to ICFM, which once reviewed determines the grade appropriate for your fleet; Affiliate, Associate, Member, Fellow.
How do you apply?
You can apply online or download a membership application form.
3. FTA Van Excellence

What is it and who is it for?
The Freight Transport Aassociation (FTA) Van Excellence is for fleets of vans. It’s for small or large fleets which are looking to operate more safely and efficiently through a recognised platform framework. The Van Excellence Code has minimum best practices for fleets, including vehicle condition, environment, and standards.
Why join – what are the benefits?
FTA Van Excellence has accredited small and large companies alike. Benefits come from the framework, which aims to enhance standards of van operator compliance, celebrate operators who demonstrate excellence, and represent the real interests of the van industry.
What are the requirements?
Businesses must go through an audit to assess worthiness. This will take into account the current compliance of the business and its values and interests. The audit costs £580+VAT.
How do you apply?
You apply through an online application form.
4. Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS)

What is it and who is it for?
The Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme is for fleets of vans, lorries, buses, mini-buses, and coaches. It’s for fleets looking for accreditation which shows current and prospective customers that the fleet works to standards above the legal minimum for emissions and safety.
Why join – what are the benefits?
Accredited fleets can make use of performance management tools, training and e-learning tools, and online driver license checking. There are also several toolkits for fleets.
What are the requirements?
ACFO is free to join. Entry requirements are based around legal compliance, safety, efficiency, and environmental protection.
How do you apply?
Through an online application form.
5. Care4Air

What is it and who is it for?
Care4Air is an organisation committed to the education and training of air pollution and air quality in South Yorkshire. Membership of this organisation is ideal for fleets who would benefit from physical evidence of a commitment toward the environment.
Why join – what are the benefits?
The coveted ECO Stars Members of Care4Air benefit from word of mouth and additional relationships with like-minded companies and fleet operators.
What are the requirements?
The Care4Air scheme is open to all types of commercial vehicle (LGV, HGV, coaches), and membership is open to fleets outside South Yorkshire, if a significant amount of fleet vehicles operate in the region.
How do you apply?
You can download an application form or call 01543 416 416.

What is it and who is it for?
The BVRLA is a trade body for the vehicle renting and leasing sector, so it’s for fleets operating in this sector. Becoming a BVRLA member should be considered by fleets which would benefit from showing current and prospective customers that their service is quality assured.
Why join – what are the benefits?
BVRLA members are quality assured by the organisation and operate under a code of conduct, and the BVRLA is committed to protecting member interests. Membership also grants access to events, products, and services, which can further education and open up new opportunities.
What are the requirements?
There are four types of membership – Corporate membership, Leasing broker membership, Rental broker membership, and Associate membership. Full membership requirements for each type of membership can be found on this page.
How do you apply?
You apply by downloading an application form (Corporate, Leasing, Rental, Associate).

What is it and who is it for?
The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) is an organisation that exists to support the interests of the UK automotive industry. This is the ideal organisation to join if you wish your fleet to be backed by an organisation that promotes your interests.
Why join – what are the benefits?
SMMT provides a forum platform for fleet operators to voice their views and be heard, a number of guides surrounding legislation and future industry initiatives, meetings, seminars, briefings, an annual dinner, SSMT-organised exhibitions, and expert industry support.
What are the requirements?
The membership fee is based on an organisation’s UK automotive turnover, and applications are reviewed on a monthly basis. To be a member, your company has to be engaged in the manufacture, sale, after sale, disposal, or recycling of motor vehicles, parts, or accessories.
How do you apply?
You can download an application form, or call (0)20 7235 7000.

What is it and who is it for?
The Vehicle Builders & Repairers Association is a trade body for support services to the motor industry, including repairs, servicing, maintenance, and conversion. Membership to this trade body is for reputable companies which are engaged with the above types of vehicle work.
Why join – what are the benefits?
Membership to VBRA gives you access to members only content, which includes access to technical information and standard VBRA forms. It also grants your company inclusion into the VBRA database of members which other companies can use to find repairers and suppliers.
What are the requirements?
The VBRA sets and monitors members’ operating standards and encourages ethical business behaviour and VBRA customer satisfaction. Members are subject to a strict code of practice, and membership is continuously monitored according to this.
How do you apply?
Application for membership starts at the VBRA Join Us page.
9. The British Assessment Bureau

What is it and who is it for?
The British Assessment Bureau started out as a specialist certification management company in 1969. Today, the company certifies companies with ISO certification including ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and other standards. ISO certification by a third party is essential for fleet reputation.
Why join – what are the benefits?
As noted, ISO certification by a third party is essential for fleet reputation, and according to The British Assessment Bureau, achieving certified status brings tangible business benefits and can unlock doors to new business. You also get access to ISO training, assessments, and analysis.
What are the requirements?
There are no requirements – The British Assessment Bureau is a business that provides a third party certification service, along with training.
How do you apply?
For a quote, you are asked to fill out an online quotation form, or call 0800 404 7007.
10. CHAS

What is it and who is it for?
The Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme is for suppliers and consultants in the public and private sector. If you operate a fleet which is engaged in supply or consultation, membership to CHAS shows a commitment to health and safety.
Why join – what are the benefits?
Being a CHAS compliant supplier means that your company meets acceptable health and safety standards. This certification shows customers and internal stakeholders a commitment to the wellbeing of all stakeholders. Accreditation also grants the use of CHAS logos and could reduce insurance premiums.
What are the requirements?
The CHAS assessment is a rather complicated process. It assesses a lot of things, including general policy statements, fire and emergency procedures, health surveillance, accident reporting, training, equipment, first aid, risk assessments, plus much more. Here’s a run-down of costs: Cost (5 or more employees) – £225 + VAT. Cost (fewer than 5 employees) – £150 + VAT. Cost (Designer) – £270 + VAT. Cost (CDM-C) – £270 + VAT. Cost (Joint CDM-C & Designer) – £322 + VAT Cost (Care service providers) – £225 + VAT.
How do you apply?
Through an online application form available on the Apply page.

What is it and who is it for?
Established in January 2009, the FCS Installer Training & Accreditation Scheme (FITAS) provides a facility for the installers of communications equipment into vehicles to demonstrate their skills and commitment to continued learning and best practice. Suitable for installers of all types of communications equipment into vehicles, the quality assured accreditation is designed to reflect the high professional standards currently employed within the industry.
Why join – what are the benefits?
It is the only third-party accreditation that individuals are competent to install equipment to the FCS1362 radio industry code of practice. Being FITAS accredited enables installers to undertake work for clients that insist third-party accreditation to FCS1362 are best practice such as the emergency services. The FITAS logo illustrates your competence and professionalism within the installation of communications equipment field.
What are the requirements?
Two exams which are independently accredited by the Mobile Electronics & Security Federation. In addition, installers are required to satisfy a rigorous audit of their work by the Federation of Communication Services. The FITAS accreditation must be renewed every 3 years to ensure continued competency and ability to work to the code.
How do you apply?
Fill out this application form and email it to
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